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In this post you will know how to choose the lane in LoL. Understand the characteristics of each route, from the top to the jungle, and see essential tips to stand out. Discover your playing style and elevate your performance!

If you are a fan of League of Legends or are just starting out, you may have already heard of the famous “ LoL routes ” or “ lane no LoL” . They are fundamental to the development of the game and, more importantly, to your team's strategy.

Each route requires a style of play, and if you understand the characteristics of each one, you will definitely have a great performance. After all, mastering a lane is often the key to a successful match.

Aiming to help you better understand the role of each position and how they impact the progress of the game, below you will find everything about LoL routes and their main functions.

What is Lane in LoL?

Image: Reproduction/League of Legends

In League of Legends , players take on different roles within the map, organized into five main routes, also called “lanes”: top, jungle, middle, bottom and support . In English, these roles are known as jungler, AD carry, top, support and mid.

Each participant occupies a specific area. The top moves in the upper part, the jungler operates in the jungle, the mid dominates the central lane, while marksman and support share the bottom part of the map. Therefore, each function has distinct characteristics and well-defined strategies.

Lane in LoL: Discover the main ones

Do you want to better understand how each route works and the challenges of each one? Below, you can see the main points about each sector of the game. Look!

What is a jungler in LoL?

Junglers are responsible for circulating through neutral areas of the map, known as the jungle, and ensuring control of important objectives. In addition to defeating neutral monsters, these players need to monitor enemy movement and assist other routes.

Placing sentries is one of the most important tasks of this role, as it helps the team predict ambushes and act more safely. Furthermore, the jungler needs to control epic creatures such as Dragons, Herald and Baron , which are advantageous for the team.

Ganks of the jungler's main responsibilities. Surprising opponents on different routes helps create opportunities for the team and increase pressure on the map. For this strategy to be successful, it is essential to choose the right moment to act and synchronize attacks with allies.

The Strike spell is essential in this role, being used to eliminate monsters from the jungle and guarantee the fight for neutral objectives. The champions chosen for this position vary greatly, ranging from tanks and fighters to assassins and snipers , depending on the game's strategy and meta.

What is ad carry in LoL?

If you play bot lane , you're probably familiar with the AD carry role. Alongside support , the sniper's mission is to deal damage and pressure enemies. The interaction between these two players is to ensure that the route is dominated.

As an AD carry, you will be one of the main sources of damage on the team and your positioning on the map needs to be impeccable to eliminate opponents without being caught by surprise. This means that you need to master the art of moving while attacking, the famous kite , so as not to be vulnerable.

Farming is the key to increasing your attack power, and for this, having the right support makes all the difference . After all, support will ensure that you can climb and acquire the items necessary to shine in fights.

The Heal spell is quite common among AD carries, helping to recover health and increase movement speed. With this, it is possible to escape ganks or change the course of a fight, often with the support of the jungler or other allies.

What is top in LoL?

Top laners are responsible for holding the top lane, facing a single opponent along the way in Summoner's Rift. Because they are further away from the rest of the team, they need to deal with disputes in the region without as much external support.

The most common spell for this position is Teleport, as the distance from the main objectives on the map, such as Herald and Baron, makes it difficult to be present in fights. Used at the right time, this spell is capable of completely changing the course of the match by creating numerical superiority in confrontations. To do this, it is essential to follow everything that happens in the game and act quickly.

Most champions used in this role are fighters and tanks. Some focus on absorbing damage and protecting allies, while others prioritize putting pressure on more vulnerable opponents.

Additionally, the split push is a frequent tactic on this route. In this strategy, the player advances alone on one side while the rest of the team pressures other areas of the map. The idea is to force enemies to divide , opening up space for new moves and territory control.

What is support in Lol?

Supports are essential in the Lane in League, operating in the bottom lane alongside the shooters. Their function goes far beyond simply protecting: they have a decisive role in protecting allies (known as peel) and starting team fights.

Furthermore, supports must always be aware of the map , positioning sentries and dismantling enemy vision. They are responsible for providing information to the team, moving so that the team has control of the game.

This position requires flexibility , as supports can play a variety of champions, such as tanks, mages, controllers, and specialists . They also utilize summoner spells that change the course of a battle, such as Ignite, Exhaustion, and Barriers.

It is important that support knows how to balance its presence on the lane with visits to other lanes, so that allies are always supported. Despite not being the ones that accumulate the most gold or deal damage, supports play a vital role in the match. Oftentimes, if someone needs to be sacrificed for the team, support will be the first to step into that role.

What is mid in LoL?

Mid laners, or midfielders, are players who operate in the central lane of Summoner's Rift. Just like the tops, they face only one opponent in the lane, meaning they are more solitary during the match.

The main role of these players is to be the team's main source of damage. They are known as “carries” precisely because they have the potential to eliminate opponents and turn the game in their team’s favor. Although most central lane champions are assassins or mages, nothing prevents players from choosing other classes for this position.

Farming is essential for the mid laner, as it allows him to acquire important items to grow throughout the match. Additionally, spells like Ignite and Teleport are the most commonly used by those playing this route.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

What is the best lane for beginners?

Support lane is the best choice for beginners as it requires less individual mechanics and focuses more on map view, fighting control and shooter aid.

What is the easiest lane to climb out the link?

The middle (MID) and the jungle (Jungle) are considered the easiest lanes to climb the link, as they have a greater impact on the map and can influence other routes with rotations and slaughter.

What is the hardest lane of lol?

For lower links, the lower route (bot lane) is the hardest because it depends a lot on the synergy between support and shooter and is directly influenced by the enemy jungler.

How to choose the ideal lane?

Lane's choice depends on the style of play. Those who like individual battles can prefer top or mid , who likes global impact can choose Jungle , and those who like collective game can do well as support or shooter .