GTA 6 is in the final stretch? Animator reveals details about development

Find out what you will see in this post with a brief summary

In this post you will find that GTA 6 is in the phase of strict testing. Mike York states that the game is more complex than other major titles, focusing on stability and quality for release. Read more .

Waiting for news about GTA 6 continues to move the gamer community. Rockstar Games has kept confidentiality about the project , but behind -the -scenes information gives evidence of important advances in development.

With so many rumors circulating, understanding the real state of the game is not as simple as fans would like. However, some sources help clarify what is happening behind the scenes.

What can be expected of this long awaited title? Recently, a former rockstar-anniversary has brought new statements that suggest significant advances in production. See below!

Development is in the final phase

Rockstar Games, a former manner of Rockstar Games, suggested that GTA 6 may already be in a phase when it is possible to play it from start to finish . In an interview with Kiwitalkz , he explained that the team's attention is focused on error adjustments and correction, a fundamental process before distribution to the public.

York compared with his experience in GTA 5, when he spent eight to ten hours a day testing the game. According to him, if the routine remains similar, GTA 6 is being thoroughly analyzed to ensure that everything works properly.

Error correction and performance adjustments

The current stage of the project seems to focus on testing all mechanics, correcting failures and avoiding common problems in open world games . According to York, this is one of the most important moments of development, as it defines the final quality of the product that will reach the players.

In addition, another point raised by York was the performance of the game on consoles. He mentioned that GTA 6 may not reach 60 frames per second in its release , as Rockstar can prioritize a rate of 30 stable frames, something common in earlier titles in the franchise. Stability is often a decisive factor to ensure that the game works without sudden falls at the frame rate.

Game environment promises to be complex

Image via gta 6

York also compared GTA 6 with other great open world games. According to him, the degree of complexity may be superior to titles such as The Witcher, as the Rockstar game needs to deal with a large amount of simultaneous events and interconnected systems on the GTA 6 map.

This means that tests need to be rigorous to avoid failures that compromise players interaction with the environment. The proposal of the game is to create a cohesive world , where actions impact directly on the unfolding of history and events within the map.

Expectation of players remains high

Although there is still no official release date, York shared information is indicative that Rockstar is on the final stretch of development. The focus now seems to be the refinement of the details and ensuring that the final version is within the quality standard that the franchise has always delivered.

Meanwhile, fans are attentive to any official news. It remains to wait for the next great ad from Rockstar Games to find out when the game will finally hit the market.