Check out what you can't miss in your Pokémon TCG deck

Find out what you will see in this post with a brief summary

In this post you will find tips for setting up incredible decks of Pokémon TCG. Find out how Mewtwo Ex and Gardevoir stand out in the game and learn how to optimize their cards to overcome!

Have you ever wondered how the TCG Pokémon Deck can make all the difference in your matches? The choice of cards and how they connect with each other is what separates a good coach from others. Therefore, knowing how to set up a good deck is not only about having the right cards, but also understanding how to use them in the best way possible.

pokemon tcg deck

The variety of combinations you can create on a deck is immense. Desde os Pokémon que escolhe até as energias e itens que acompanha, tudo precisa trabalhar junto. Over time, you will find out which cards work best in your game style, adjusting your deck and improving more and more.

TCG Pokémon Deck Suggestions for you to explore and give up your game . Take a look and see how these tips will help you overcome battles.

Psychic Deck Mewtwo Ex + Gardevoir

The heart of this deck is in Mewtwo ex, which shines as the main attacker. With the initial psychic sphere , he can put pressure early on the match, causing a good impact with only two attacks. But it is with PSYDRIVE that it really shows its strength, hitting 150 damage capable of overthrowing most of the Pokémon in a single movement.

Quantity of psychic energies

  • 8 psychic energies

Pokémon Required

  • 2 Mewtwo Ex A1-129
  • 2 RALTS A1-130
  • 2 Kallia A1-131
  • 2 GARDEVOIR A1-132

Support letters

  • 2 Sabrina A1-225
  • 2 Pokédex Promo-004

Item letters

  • 2 Potion Promo-001
  • 2 x Speed ​​Promo-002
  • 2 Hand Scope Promo-003
  • 2 Professor's Research Promo-007

To use the PSYDRIVE, you must attach 4 psychic energies to Mewtwo Ex, which is not always easy, depending on the match. Also, every time the blow is used , two of these energies need to be discarded, which prevents continuous use of consecutive shift attack.

So this is where Gardevoir plays his role, helping to speed up the process of recharging Mewtwo Ex. The Psych Shadow ability allows us to move a psychic energy directly to the active Pokémon , keeping Mewtwo ex ready to keep attacking with its maximum strength without delays.


Pokémon TCG deck focused on Starmin Ex , the strategy is clear: speed and accurate attacks. With only 2 water energies , the Hydro Splash blow applies 90 damage, enough to defeat several basic Pokémon before the opponent can assemble a strategy. Also, with 130 lifetime, Starmin Ex resists enemy attacks, ie it lasts a lot in combat.

Necessary energies

  • 6 water energies

Pokémon included

  • 2 Staryu A1-074
  • 2 Starmin Ex A1-076
  • 2 articuno ex a1-084

Support letters

  • 2 MISTY A1-220
  • 2 Giovanni A1-223
  • 2 Sabrina A1-225
  • 2 Pokédex Promo-004

Item letters

  • 2 Potion Promo-001
  • 2 Hand Scope Promo-003
  • 2 Professor's Research Promo-007

Misty speeds up the placement of water energies by helping Stormie ex and also articune ex doing its best. With this, you can activate Blizzard, hitting up to 110 damage and maintaining the pressure in the game. In addition, Starmin's great asset is not needing a retreat cost, which causes you to reposition it easily, having more play options and keeping control of stocks in the field during the match.

Pokémon Deck TCG: Charizard Ex & Moltres Ex

This deck is all about using the power of fire and maintaining dominion over the opponent. The infernal dance ability of ex molds brings a little randomness, as you need to play 3 coins . For each "face", you can attach a fire energy to a Pokémon in the bench. In this way, it is possible to accumulate energy quickly, even as long as you advance to evolve your charmander into Charizard Ex.

Necessary energies

  • 12 Fire energies

Pokémon Letters

  • 2 Charmander A1-033
  • 2 Charmeleon A1-034
  • 2 Charizard Ex A1-036
  • 2 Ponyta A1-042
  • 2 rapidadh a1-043
  • 2 EX A1-047 MOLTARS

Support letters

  • 2 Potion Promo-001
  • 2 x Speed ​​Promo-002
  • 2 Hand Scope Promo-003

Item letters

  • 2 Pokédex Promo-004

Charizard ex is the centerpiece of your deck and your priority should be to carry it with fire energy quickly as you advance in the evolutions of Charmander and Charmeleon. The Charizard Ex Slash is strong, causing 60 damage , enough to knock out basic Pokémon and make the opponent rethink his plays.

When using Crimson Storm , the power of 200 of damage drops any Pokémon on the way, but the cost is high : it is necessary to discard two fire energies , which prevents the use of this attack in the next shift. Force comes at a price, but this strategy is a way of having control of the match.

Marowak Ex & Dugtrio

Marowak ex
Image via Pokémon TCG

The Pokémon TCG deck based on Marowak Ex & Dugtrio is a mixture of luck and strategy. Marowak Ex Boomerang attack depends on currency plays, causing 80 damage to each “face”. The result may vary, with 0.80 or up to 160 damage, and when it reaches 160, you can make a big impact, especially in high health Pokémon.

Necessary energies

  • Fight: 8 Fight Energy

Pokémon Letters

  • 2 DIGIGTT A1-139
  • 2 DUGTRIO A1-140
  • 2 Cubone A1-151
  • 2 marowak ex a1-153

Support letters

  • 2 Giovanni A1-223
  • 2 Sabrina A1-225
  • 2 Pokédex Promo-004

Item letters

  • 2 Potion Promo-001
  • 2 x Speed ​​Promo-002
  • 2 Hand Scope Promo-003

With field doubts make your opponent's action difficult, using face or crown to reduce the damage received. So you have time to prepare Marowak ex, being possible a decisive attack when you need it most.

TCG Pokémon Deck: Ex & Centiskorch Molds

With Ex & Centiskorch molds, the strategy is to optimize the synergy between the two Pokémon, starting with the infernal dancing of molds. Thus, it is possible to attach fire to centiskorch , while you continue to carry the ex more fire power .

The Heat Blast attack can cause 70 damage to the opposing Pokémon. Before using the attack, it is necessary to activate infernal dance twice, which prepares Centiskorch to be a strong striker at the end of the game, increasing his ability to cause damage.

Necessary energies

  • Fire: 6 Fire energies

Pokémon Letters

  • 2 EX A1-047 MOLTARS
  • 2 SIZZLIPEDE A1-051
  • 2 Centiskorch A1-052

Support letters

  • 2 Giovanni A1-223
  • 2 Sabrina A1-225
  • 2 Pokédex Promo-004

Item letters

  • 2 Potion Promo-001
  • 2 x Speed ​​Promo-002
  • 2 Hand Scope Promo-003
  • 2 Professor's Research Promo-007

With the Fire Blast attack, Centiskorch deals 130 of damage , managing to knock out most opponent Pokémon and turning the game to his side.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

If questions are still left, see below some answers:

How many letters do I need to set up a Pokémon deck?

At Pokémon TCG Pocket for mobile, your deck should have 20 cards, unlike the physical version, where 60 cards are required. If you have questions about playing, see this basic guide for TCG Pocket Pokémon Beginners.

Which deck choose?

It is best to test different decks to see which one adapts to your playing style and suits your strategies.

Can Pokémon evolve on the bank?

Yes, it is possible to evolve both active Pokémon and Pokémon in the bank. However, you cannot evolve a Pokémon the first time it enters the field.

What is the strongest Pokémon?

Arceus is considered the strongest Pokémon for being the creator of other Pokémon and having the ability to change shape.